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NIC ASIA Dynamic Debt Fund


Nature of the Scheme:   Open-end Scheme
Fund Name: NIC ASIA Bank Mutual Fund
Fund Manager: NIC ASIA Capital Limited
Depository: NIC ASIA Capital Limited
Fund Sponsor:  NIC ASIA Bank Limited
Investment Objective: The primary investment objective of the Scheme is to generate optimal returns consistent with moderate level of risk through an active management of a portfolio of debt and money market instruments. This income may be further complimented by capital appreciation of the portfolio
Number of Registration Units: 50,000,000 units
Issued Units: 20,000,000 units
Price per Unit: NPR 10.00
Capital Amount: NPR 200,000,000.00
Seed Capital (Sponsor): NPR 75,000,000.00
Liquidity Open ended. Purchase and redemptions at prices related to applicable NAV
Suitability Looking for income over medium Term
Transparency The NAVs of the Scheme will be calculated and updated on NIC ASIA Capital’s website by 10.00 p.m.on next business day.
The First NAV of the scheme shall be declared within 5 working daysfrom the date of allotment.
The monthly portfolio of the Schemes shall be published in National Daily news paper
Plans under the scheme

- Regular Plan

- Direct Plan

Regular  Plan:  This  Plan  is  for  investors  who  wish  to  route  their investment through any distributor.

Direct Plan: This Plan is only for investors who purchase /subscribe Units in a Scheme directly with the Fund and is not available for investors who route their investments through a Distributor.

The portfolio of Regular Plan and Direct Plan will be unsegregated.

Options under each Plan

Growth and Dividend. The NAVs of the above options will be different and separately declared; the portfolio of the investments remaining the same

Investors  are requested to note that, where the actual amount of dividend payout is less than Rs. 1000/-, then such dividend will be compulsorily reinvested.

Dividend Frequency (Dividend is declared subject to availability and adequacy of distributable surplus) For Regular Plan and Direct Plan: Semi-Annual and Annually
Dividend Record Dates (If the Record date is not a Business Day, the immediately following Business Day will bethe record date)

Half yearly and Annually  Dividend  :

Payout date Shrawan 20th for Half Yearly and Annually.

Payout date Magh 20th for Half Yearly

SIP/Booster SIP/SWP Facilities Available
SIP/FSIP Frequency & Dates Investors can select SIP date as any date from 1st to 31st of a given month/ quarter. In case the chosen date is not available /non-businessday, the SIP will be processed on the immediate next Business Day.
SWP Quarterly and Half Yearly after lock-in period

Minimum Investment size:

Initial Purchase (Non- SIP)

Additional Purchase (Non-SIP)

SIP Purchase

Atleast Rs. 1,000/- and in multiples of Rs. 10

Atleast Rs. 1,000/- and in multiples of Rs. 10

Rs. 1000/- (Subject to a minimum of 6 SIP installments of Rs. 1000/- each)

Minimum Redemption Size:

In Rupees (Non- SWP)

In Units (Non-SWP)

In Rupees (SWP)

Rs. 1000/-

100 units

Rs.  1000/-(Subject  to  a  minimum  of  6  installments)  /  Entire Appreciation

Minimum balance to be maintained and consequences of non maintenance. If the holding is less than Rs. 1000 or 100 units, after processing the redemption request, the entire amount/units will be redeemed from the Scheme.
Account Transfer/ IPS/ Cheques/ Drafts to favour – For  Regular  Plan:  Tansfer/IPS/Drafts/Cheques  should  be  drawn  in  favor  of  NIC ASIA Dynamic Debt Fund - Regular Plan
For Direct Plan: Tansfer/IPS/Drafts/Cheques should be drawn in favor of NIC ASIA Dynamic Debt Fund Direct Plan
Allotment Date: -
 Maturity Date: Continuous
Transaction: The Units will be transacted in NIC ASIA Capital Ltd and other service points.
Fund Management Fees: 1.5% of Net Asset Value (NAV)
Depository Fees: 0.2% of Net Asset Value (NAV)
Fund Supervisors Fees: 0.1% of Net Asset Value (NAV)
Entry Load: N/A
Exit Load: Up to 1.5% of Assets Size
Fund Supervisor 1. Mr. Baburam Shrestha- M.Sc, M.A. (Economic), PG Dip in RDPM. Experience of more than 10 years in government services.
2. Ashish Adhikari- LLM, Involved in legal practices for over 21 years.
3. Bodh Raj Niraula- Master in Economics, over 31 years of experience in government service including ministry of finance.
4. Shiv Raj Ghimire- MBA, Over 17 years of experience in teaching and education
5. Santosh Lamichhane- CPA, FCCA, MBS , Over 15 years in audit and consultancy, Director TR Upadhyay & Co.
Proposed Investment Breakdown Types of Instruments Asset Allocation
Equity 15%
Bond & Debentures (Cash and Money Market Securities) 75%
Fixed Deposits 10%
Total 100%